Baltic Pride, Vilnius: Different People, Same Love

Baltic Pride, Vilnius: Different People, Same Love

  I was sitting in Cathedral Square when the drum circle arrived. Or what looked like a drum circle. If drum circles also had clocks, like the kind of clock you would hang in your kitchen. Large roman numerals, round. Gold frames. They were walking straight toward me, carrying white blocks the size of trumpet … Continued

Slovakia: Devin Castle on Bratislava’s Doorstep

Devin Castle was built on one of the finest pieces of real estate in Europe – atop a cliff 212 metres above the Danube, at the confluence of the Danube and the Moravia rivers. My friend and I took a boat from Bratislava to the ruins of Devin Castle in May, on one of the … Continued

Why I began to travel?

There are various reasons why I decided to travel. I once wrote that I decided to travel the world because I wanted to escape a sheltered environment, and discover the rest of the world. I also wanted to prove that one’s race, gender, background, or financial status did not prevent one from obtaining a great … Continued

The Wagah Border Ceremony between India and Pakistan

The Wagah Border Ceremony between India and Pakistan To say that the border closing ceremony at the Wagah border between India and Pakistan was the most bizarre day of my life is an understatement. Witnessing this daily tradition between the two countries to me felt like an anthropological experiment, like I had just walked into … Continued

Murree, Pakistan: Top Holiday Spot

Murree, Pakistan’s Most Popular Holiday Destination: If you are a teacher in any Pakistani school and ask your pupil to write an essay on “A trip to Northern areas”, I bet 90 % of the pupil will write an account of their trip to Murree. And if you have ever wondered which place is considered … Continued

Australia: Heading West – Elusive Taipans

Part 5: Heading West – Elusive Taipans The wind whipped across the plains, covering camp with yellowed dust. We quickly made breakfast, packed and soon set out over the flat ground. The earth was deeply cracked and extremely dry. In the cracks and below where we trod rested the Inland Taipan, perfectly adapted to life … Continued

Sighisoara, Romania – Go Back in Time

Sighisoara, Romania – Go Back in Time for a Romantic Anniversary My first trip to Sighisoara was also my first ever independent trip, back in 2000, when I was a freshman. I have always been fascinated by Medieval castles or citadels and I was hooked from the moment I saw the citadel from the train, … Continued

Australia: Heading West- Birdsville and Taipan Plains

Part 4: Heading West- Birdsville and Taipan Plains The escarpments slowly faded in the rearview mirror the further west we traveled. Spinifex grasses began to stretch into the horizon, following the flat flow of land. It seemed as though the air outside of the ute had become drier, brighter. The earth was tanned and cracked … Continued

Going Deep in Queens 2 – Citi Field, Sik Gaek, and Domaine

In the first installment of this two-parter, Chih-Yu and I had begun a day-long mini-odyssey across the borough of Queens via the 7 train, armed with only a credit card and an adolescent sense-of-adventure. To catch you up in-a-hurry, Queens is home to the Mets, and also a vast, mysterious patchwork of neighborhoods, home to … Continued

Australia: Heading West – Perentie

Part 3: Heading West – Perentie After two hours sleep, another hour or so nursing our wounds from being lost for a night in the bush and a couple sandwiches, we were ready to continue our Perentie search in earnest. Dust filtered on the breeze and through the short trees, landing on the red rocks … Continued

We Said Go Travel