Part 1: Grateful for our WSGT writers!


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We are very lucky at WSGT to have talented individuals participate in our contests and most recently, the Travel Writing Award. To say thanks, we will be featuring five writers each week who are currently displaying the WSGT Travel Badge.

Christianne Noelle de Vera

“I hope to be able to translate some of my thoughts, my views,my experiences, my advocacies to a bigger audience. I hope that someday some people get lost in my words as much as I did and still do with all the words of the authors I have read.”

Christianne’s writing

Christianne Noelle de Vera
Christianne Noelle de Vera

Ali Roberts

“As a travel writer, I seek to deliver engaging and informative stories to the masses, thereby allowing them to experience the unique destinations with varied cultures that I encounter.”

Ali’s writing

Ali Roberts
Ali Roberts

Michael Thal

“As a writer I hope to engage my audience in my prose and entertain them in a meaningful way.”

Michael’s writing 

Michael Thal
Michael Thal

Francesca Muir

“Peripatetic by nature, I have travelled widely and for me, travel and writing go hand-in-hand. I’m never without a notebook and pen and find inspiration in the most unusual places and at the oddest times. Greece, in particular Crete, is my passion and I hope my writing fires the imagination and ignites an urge to explore.”

Francesca’s writing

Francesca Muir
Francesca Muir

Jonathan Lessuck

“I started writing my blog as way to share with my friends, but I figured out that I had a lot to offer, and I hope to my thoughts and photos with the world.”

Jonathan’s writing

Jonathan Lessuck
Jonathan Lessuck

Thank you to all of our talented participants! WSGT wouldn’t be the same with you! Check back next week for another group of writer profiles! Read part 2 and part 3 here.

Stay up-to-date with WSGT via our blog, FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterest and youtube channel!

Caitlyn O'Brien

Caitlyn is a 26-year-old Canadian with a passion for travel, futbol, and more recently kayaking in her new Patagonian home: Futaleufú. She teaches English at a local school and loves turning her daily experiences into stories.

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