Thank you! 30 Best Jewish Book Blogs


Happy Passover! At this time, Jews celebrate that once we were slaves in Egypt and now we are free. It is a time to think about the narrow places in our lives and how we can start again and grow in Spring!

Thank you Feedspot for including me in your 30 Best Jewish Book Blogs and Websites along with the Jewish Book Council, the Jewish Journal and the Forward! What an amazing way to celebrate at this season!

1. Jewish Book Council

Jewish Book Council New York City, New York, US
Jew­ish Book Coun­cil, found­ed in 1944, is the longest-run­ning organization devot­ed exclu­sive­ly to the sup­port and cel­e­bra­tion of Jew­ish lit­er­a­ture. For over sev­en­ty years, we have used lit­er­a­ture to bring peo­ple togeth­er for mean­ing­ful discussions about Jew­ish life, iden­ti­ty, and cul­ture.

5. Jewish Journal » Books

Jewish Journal » Books  Los Angeles, California, US
The following section of Jewish Journal is dedicated to Jewish Book authors and reviews. Get all the recent posts on Religious and Reform from Jewish Journal. We regularly offer live webcasts of community events and original videos. Our mission is to provide fresh news to the Jewish community of Los Angeles.

Read about Woman On Fire and Lies My Mother Told Me on the Jewish Journal

21. We Said Go Travel

We Said Go Travel Los Angeles, California, US
We Said Go Travel is a Passport to a Global Community. Get inspired by stories from every continent published by over 1600 travelers and writers. Connect with tens of thousands of readers who share their personal journeys, photos and comments from every continent. Gain global awareness and immerse yourself in other cultures. Lisa Niver is the founder of We Said Go Travel and the host of Make Your Own Map. In its first 99 days, Make Your Own Map was watched in 21 countries on 6 continents.

Happy Holiday Humor from Melissa Rivers!

Women’s History Month: READ Woman On Fire

Passover is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the liberation of the Jewish people from slavery in Egypt, as described in the biblical Book of Exodus. During this holiday, Jews retell the story of their ancestors’ enslavement and their journey to freedom.

One of the central themes of Passover is leaving the “narrowness” of slavery and oppression for the freedom of self-determination. The Hebrew word for Egypt, “Mitzrayim,” is derived from the word “meitzar,” meaning “narrow.” According to Jewish tradition, the Israelites’ physical enslavement was accompanied by a spiritual narrowness, a sense of limitation and confinement that permeated their lives.

Through their liberation from Egypt, the Jewish people were able to break free from this narrowness and attain a sense of personal and national freedom. The Passover Seder, a ritual meal that takes place on the first two nights of Passover, is designed to help Jews reenact this journey from slavery to freedom.

During the Seder, Jews retell the story of the Exodus and participate in a series of rituals that symbolize the journey from narrowness to freedom. For example, they eat bitter herbs to symbolize the bitterness of slavery, and then dip them in sweet charoset to remind them of the hope of freedom. They also eat matzah, a type of unleavened bread that symbolizes the haste with which the Israelites left Egypt.

Overall, Passover is a holiday that celebrates the Jewish people’s journey from the narrowness of slavery and oppression to the freedom of self-determination. Through its rituals and traditions, Jews are reminded of the importance of breaking free from narrow thinking and embracing the possibilities of a life lived in freedom.

THANK YOU FEEDSPOT for the honor of being in the BEST JEWISH BLOGS list!

Lisa Ellen Niver

Lisa Niver is an award-winning travel expert who has explored 102 countries on six continents. This University of Pennsylvania graduate sailed across the seas for seven years with Princess Cruises, Royal Caribbean, and Renaissance Cruises and spent three years backpacking across Asia. Discover her articles in publications from AARP: The Magazine and AAA Explorer to WIRED and Wharton Magazine, as well as her site WeSaidGoTravel. On her award nominated global podcast, Make Your Own Map, Niver has interviewed Deepak Chopra, Olympic medalists, and numerous bestselling authors, and as a journalist has been invited to both the Oscars and the United Nations. For her print and digital stories as well as her television segments, she has been awarded three Southern California Journalism Awards and two National Arts and Entertainment Journalism Awards and been a finalist twenty-two times. Named a #3 travel influencer for 2023, Niver talks travel on broadcast television at KTLA TV Los Angeles, her YouTube channel with over 2 million views, and in her memoir, Brave-ish, One Breakup, Six Continents and Feeling Fearless After Fifty.

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