BRAVE-ish at BOOKFEST Fall 2023

Dreams Come TRUE: Niver’s News: June 2022

June News 2022 with Lisa Niver & We Said Go Travel: This month I was a finalist at the 64th Southern California Journalism Awards for book critic! It was my TWENTIETH (20th!) nomination and I have won FIVE times so far! I am now represented by Chip MacGregor of MacGregor Literary, Inc.  I went on a dream … Continued

WIRED: Shopping? Macy’s is a retailer getting it RIGHT!

Thank you to my editor, Alan Henry, and Wired for publishing my article: “Move Over Amazon. Other Retailers Are Catching Up. Not only are orders and returns easier than ever, today’s best retail apps also offer loyalty programs with discounts and rewards.” DURING THE HEIGHT of the Covid-19 pandemic, with dressing rooms closed and events canceled, … Continued

We Said Go Travel