“TELL ME MORE ABOUT” Walking with Polar Bears

Group photo on Churchill Wild adventure

“TELL ME MORE ABOUT” Walking with Polar Bears

Welcome to my new series: “TELL ME MORE ABOUT:” where I will be sharing resources from my favorite past adventures around our planet during this time when we cannot travel due to COVID-19. In the next weeks, I will share about all 10 trips in my recent article on Ms Magazine and I wanted you … Continued

Lisa Niver's selfie with a Polar Bear with Churchill Wild

I am Grateful: WSGT November News 2018

Nov News 2018 with We Said Go Travel: I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday and time with the people who are important to you. My aunt and uncle hosted 48 family members for a wonderful dinner with not one, not two but three turkeys! Thank you to everyone who has asked about my mother, she continues … Continued

Are You Ready to Discover Wonderful Winnipeg?

I went to Winnipeg in order to get to Churchill to walk with the Polar Bears. Click here to see my articles and videos about that bucket list experience. I was not expecting to discover a city full of treasures! It is located in the center of Canada with a population of 800,000 and was … Continued

We Said Go Travel