The Importance of Community and Networking for Writers

The Importance of Community and Networking for Writers

The Importance of Community and Networking for Writers: My Journey with Author Alka Joshi Writing is a solitary pursuit, with authors spending countless hours lost in their own worlds with their stories. However, the value of community and networking cannot be overstated for writers. Building connections with fellow industry professionals enhances our craft and provides … Continued

The Perfumist of Paris by Alka Joshi is NOW Available!

I love Alka Joshi’s books. I wrote about The Henna Artist A Reese Witherspoon Book Club Pick (The Jaipur Trilogy 1) and The Secret Keeper of Jaipur (The Jaipur Trilogy Book 2) and her new book, The Perfumist of Paris (The Jaipur Trilogy Book 3) is available TODAY! The Perfumist of Paris takes readers to … Continued

My Favorite Reese’s Book Club Books

I love books! I was an early reader and often was reading more than one book at a time growing up. One of my most favorite places to go as a child and as an adult is to the library. I appreciate all the book selections in Reese’s Book Club and have written about many … Continued

Sizzling Summer Reads: Feel ALL Your Feelings

Thank you to Thrive Global for publishing my article, “Sizzling Summer Reads” I love books. I have loved them my entire life but during COVID books felt like even more of a lifeline: a way to escape into another world and not be worried about all of the uncertainty. It felt like we all pressed pause on our … Continued

REIMAGINE Your Life: Alka Joshi and Lisa Niver

Thank you to Alka Joshi for inviting me on her show, Reimagine! I absolutely loved speaking with her about books and travel! Make sure you read both her amazing books: The Henna Artist and her new book out June 22, 2021, THE SECRET KEEPER OF JAIPUR, which I included in my Thrive Global article: Sizzling … Continued

Travel back to India: The Secret Keeper of Jaipur

I absolutely loved The Henna Artist by Alka Joshi and wrote about it for Ms. Magazine and Thrive Global. It is possible that I enjoyed her new book, THE SECRET KEEPER OF JAIPUR, which will be available TOMORROW even more! In the second book, which is set in 1969, Malik is now twenty, Lakshmi is … Continued

Deepak Chopra interviewed by Lisa Niver: May News 2021

May News 2021 with Lisa Niver & We Said Go Travel: Thank you Deepak Chopra! I loved speaking with him about the divine feminine, his new 21-day meditation with Alicia Keys and his Never Alone Summit. I introduced him as Mallika’s dad since I interviewed her first! Thank you to Thrive Global for publishing my article, “Strategies for Success: … Continued

We Said Go Travel