Grateful for Your Support in 2023

How to Help Women in Afghanistan

People have been calling, emailing and asking me how can we help the women of Afghanistan. I am sharing what the organizations I trust are recommending. The Female Quotient The FQ Foundation by The Female Quotient supports women and girls across the world. Join the FQ Foundation in supporting @WAWHumanRights, ensuring no woman is left … Continued

Notorious RBG at Skirball

Happy Birthday to Notorious RBG

  Thank you to the Female Quotient for publishing my article: IN HER WORDS: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE NOTORIOUS RBG When RBG started law school in the 1950s, women were less than 3% of the legal profession in the United States. Here is how she blazed her own path. Happy Birthday Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader … Continued

Lisa Niver Shelley Zalis Federation Event

Welcome to The Girls’ Lounge at AdWeek NYC

Where do girl’s belong? Girls belong everywhere! I was invited to The Girls’ Lounge at AdWeek NYC 2018. I went to four days of meetings with the best minds in advertising and marketing. Here are some of the people I met at the workshops: VIDEO: What happened at The Girls’ Lounge AdWeek NYC Oct 2018? UPDATE … Continued

We Said Go Travel