Brave-ish in PRINT: Take 5 Magazine

Hula-hooping around the World!

Are you wondering what is in my luggage? I travel with a hula-hoop! I have taught children in a village in Vanuatu, Maasai Warriors in Kenya, hooped at the government house in Palau and at a prison in the Philippines! Every time I bring out my hoop, there are always smiles, laughter and new friends! … Continued

Lisa Niver Green Shirt

Top Ten YouTube Travel Videos on WE SAID GO TRAVEL

Thank you so much for your support for my travels and my videos. I have nearly one million views across my We Said Go Travel YouTube channel! Here are ten videos with the most views from ten different countries on my channel: Video: Monywa Arrival and Night Market, Myanmar (Burma) Video: Gili Meno: the Good and the … Continued

Go on a Digital Detox and find your perfect lifestyle with DreamJobbing

Today, WSGT is interviewing Lisa Hennessy of DreamJobbing, a platform for finding global opportunities and life-changing experiences. DreamJobbing is also hosting the unique event ESCAPE: A Digital Detox in Thailand, the chance for five chosen individuals to leave it all behind (literally) and be 100 per cent present in a stunning place for 12 days. We Said … Continued

Zipkick Bloggers: Heidi Wagoner

      ZipKick Bloggers:  Heidi Wagoner of Wagoners Abroad Where was the first place that you traveled that made you think WOW—travel is amazing (think history book come to life or …..) I knew I was hooked on travel, just after graduating from University.  I was selected a a National Traveling Consultant for my sorority … Continued

Temple of Preah Vihear: Sacred amidst Tensions

When I found out that it was possible (albeit near-impossibility at that time) to visit this sacred temple on a day trip from Siem Reap in 2012, I immediately grabbed the opportunity to see it while it was then — once again — enjoying a short “time of peace”. For a very long time in … Continued

Getting to know the locals in Thailand

Around the world, Thailand is known as, “The land of smiles” for good reason.  No matter where you go within the kingdom, the people that you will meet are more than likely to welcome you with open arms.  They are famous for their welcoming nature, curiousness and carefree attitude towards life.  A common way to … Continued

Bangkok in the Raw

There’s no real reason to explain why I lost my mind one sunny afternoon in Bangkok. Maybe it was a vitamin deficiency, a desperate plea for action, or perhaps just a deep longing to get under the tough skin of Thailand’s capital city. Much like a scabby mosquito bite, Bangkok is an itch you already … Continued

The Classroom in Thailand

This morning I had a dream about being in the classroom again. I awoke to the grandfather clock that chimes every fifteen minutes throughout the house, feeling like I had seen them. In my dream, I’m standing at the head of a non-air-conditioned classroom. All ten ASEAN flags dangling from the walls. Five rows of … Continued

We Said Go Travel