Women Do Need A Lab of Their Own with Rita Colwell

Women Do Need A Lab of Their Own with Rita Colwell

Thank you to Thrive Global for publishing my article, “Women Do Need A Lab of Their Own with Rita Colwell.” In “A Lab of One’s Own: One Woman’s Personal Journey Through Sexism in Science,” Rita Colwell shares her six decade journey of incredible science, discoveries and sexism.  Colwell changed the world with her work to … Continued

The Feminist Future of STEM by Lisa Niver in Ms. Magazine

Ms. Magazine: The Scully Effect and the Feminist Future of STEM

Thank you to Ms. Magazine and Carmen Rios for publishing my article: “The Scully Effect and the Feminist Future of STEM” During summer vacation, STEM still matters. How can we keep young girls and women interested in technology and the most lucrative jobs that will define our future? The fourth annual AT&T SHAPE 2019 conference … Continued

Lisa Niver Shelley Zalis Federation Event

Welcome to The Girls’ Lounge at AdWeek NYC

Where do girl’s belong? Girls belong everywhere! I was invited to The Girls’ Lounge at AdWeek NYC 2018. I went to four days of meetings with the best minds in advertising and marketing. Here are some of the people I met at the workshops: VIDEO: What happened at The Girls’ Lounge AdWeek NYC Oct 2018? UPDATE … Continued

We Said Go Travel