Celebrating Best Friend Day: Embracing the Magic of Friendship!

My Place Somewhere in the USA

Where do I feel inspired? It doesn’t have a name. I can only describe the region of space to you. Sometimes this place has four or more walls. The enclosure changes shape and size by the hour. When the temporary barriers finish serving their purpose, they transform into oak trees, mountain ranges, or another face … Continued

Myanmar: Ferry Mothers

A sinewy arm reached for my backpack, picking it up as if it were a feather. He smiled and waved for me to follow. Agile and muscled, he ran across the plank and waited. I carefully placed my steps, watching the brown water of the Irrawaddy flow below me. I squeezed through doors, up stairs … Continued


Thailand: Finding Friendship and Tea Above the Clouds

This is an entry in the We Said Go Travel Writing Contest  I sat waiting in the back of the truck; the heat subsiding slightly as a storm hovered above, the beat of raindrops on metal creating watery melodies. In twenty minutes the clouds had passed, but the air still hung heavy with humidity. I … Continued

We Said Go Travel