An interview with Carlos Cymerman of Recruiting For Good


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Carlos 2Carlos Cymerman is a self-proclaimed “old-school kinda guy” out to change the life paths of others. He made the move from Mexico City to Israel then the United States when he was just 12. Travel had always been a large part of his upbringing and it continues to influence his adult life. At the age of 40, Carlos has pretty much crossed off every item on the bucket list: six Summer Olympics, several World Fairs and both the 2004 Euro Soccer Championship and World Cup 2006.

Carlos has managed to do what many of us strive to do: unite our passions and our jobs; through Recruiting For Good, he scopes out careers which offer work-life balance and rewards those who help in the placement process!


What are your three main goals?

1.) Create experiences; giving new experiences to at least 100 people a year would make me happy.

2.) Making jobs more about a relationship, not money.

3.) Impacting communities positively.

How long have you been doing this?

I’ve been in recruiting for over 20 years with technology-based placements being my speciality. I have a liberal arts degree and originally was going to be a therapist. I started Recruiting For Good because, in part, I saw how little focus our society placed on work-life balance. Now, I can really make a difference in the lives of others.

How does the Travel Rewards Program work? We Travel For Good?

We are trying to encourage travel while finding excellent placements for qualified individuals. Instead of giving money or gift cards as an incentive for referrals, we give an experience:

So every professional referral you provide that leads to a permanent placement will get you savings on your travel destination of choice.

If you introduce Recruiting for Good to a family or friend who happens to be a person with hiring power at a company looking for fresh talent, Recruiting for Good will endeavor to find a suitable employee; when we earn the “Finder’s Fee” a portion of that is donated to your favorite school or cause and save you $4500 on a trip booked through a partnering travel agency.


How does Recruiting For Good help people?

It rewards travel, exploration and of course more work-life balance. Your job is an ongoing relationship, if something is wrong you have to look at it and decide if you’re going to fix it or live with it.

Who’s your main inspiration?

Virgin, for their innovation and focus on leisure. It’s about having balance in your life, not about making the most money. People need more vacation for that to happen.

What is a memorable moment from your career in recruiting?

Helping people go where they really want to go is so rewarding. I had a client call me saying his daughter was studying fashion and wanted so badly to experience Travel Fashion Week. I found a way to get her there and she couldn’t have been happier.

Carlos hopes that joining recruitment and travel becomes a new wave with other companies outside Southern California. In the meantime, he continues to shed light on the importance of enjoying life and helping others find the best ways to do just that. If you want to chat with Carlos about Recruiting For Good and/or the Travel Rewards Program, contact him at [email protected]

Stay up-to-date with WSGT for more interviews and global adventures via our blog, Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and youtube channel!

Caitlyn O'Brien

Caitlyn is a 26-year-old Canadian with a passion for travel, futbol, and more recently kayaking in her new Patagonian home: Futaleufú. She teaches English at a local school and loves turning her daily experiences into stories.

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