Gasping, Flying, and Heart Smiling in the USA


It is the garden within the concrete jungle. You find yourself walking toward this not so secret garden. Suddenly the grey concrete disappears, and you are hit with bursts of green. Time begins to slow and you allow yourself to take the first full breath you’ve taken all day, all week, all month. Walking around “the city” you can get overwhelmed by it. You are one small person in a sea of bobbing heads within a jungle of skyscrapers. You find yourself constantly short of breath because you are always in state of hurry. That is why it is so important for you to get to that garden because that is where you can finally take that long-awaited breath your body is gasping for. Maybe it’s because the trees absorb all the carbon dioxide or there is an invisible sound proof barrier that keeps the noise of the hustle and bustle out. Whatever it is you instantly relax when you pass the old stone gates to the park.

Now New York City is filled with many different kinds of people. It is one of the most diverse cities in the world. However the only place you actually get to see all of them, where you actually take a moment to people watch, is in Central Park. You see young people, old people, long people, and short people. You see people riding bikes, people riding carriages, people walking, and people running. Here you can see every person’s smallest action almost in slow motion. You begin to lose yourself in the moment, and that’s okay because it sets you free. Free from worry, fear, sadness all those things that weigh you down. If your body could fly, it would do it now so close your eyes, stretch out your arms, and fly!

Once you’re grounded again, you realize you’ve walked deeper into the park. It’s quieter here, peaceful even. The pleasant chatter has faded and all the conversations you hear are of the birds with the trees, the trees with the wind, and the wind with the water that fills the lake you are staring at. You see an old fortress at the edge of the lake, reminding you of battles lost and of people that once were. Dwelling on the past makes you sad. Then you see a young couple pushing a carriage which holds their most precious possession with happy, green eyes. Those young, green eyes give you hope for a brighter tomorrow, and it’s enough to make your heart smile.

Finally you’ve caught your breath and you feel refreshed. Taking this little stroll in the park leaves you feeling invigorated, alive! You’ve regained your strength, and you are ready to conquer whatever the concrete jungle has in store for you. Whether its work, family, life it doesn’t matter because you are ready. You are free, you are hopeful, and you are strong. So as the green fades and the grey takes its place, remember those three things.

Remember that happiness is the effect of your heart smiling so cherish those places that allow your heart to do so.

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