Colombia: Amazing New Years Eve in Cartagena


Happy Nearly New Year to all!

Thank you to everyone for all your support for our site, our trip and making our dreams come true! We left Los Angeles six months ago and have spent two months in Indonesia, two months in Thailand, 27 days in Myanmar (Burma) and have been in India since November 23rd.

Read more about our current journey here and on our newsletters.

Enjoy the story of New Years 2010 in Cartagena, Columbia! We cannot wait to share about New Years 2012 and our upcoming project for 2013!

Happy New Year! We hope all your dreams come true!

Lisa and George
The story begins: My wife Lisa and I had already had already spent a few days in Cartagena and a couple of weeks in Colombia, all the while awaiting New Year’s Eve.  Since we’d had a very disappointing New Years celebration a few years back in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, we were ready for a true party but were skeptical.  Old San Juan is lovely as is the setting but if you have visions of Ricky Martin and thousands of others filling the streets to dance the night away, let it be known that New Year’s parties either occur in the high- rise hotels (with a stiff admission price) or the Puertoriquenos simply stay home to dine with their families.  We heard rumors that gunshots and/or aspects of their culture led to a dull scene. Read the full story! and enjoy the photo slideshow.


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One response to “Colombia: Amazing New Years Eve in Cartagena

  1. I am completely in love with Cartagena, and was there a few months ago – I would love to see fireworks over that gorgeous city! Thanks for sharing!

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