Amsterdam has more to offer!


When talking about Amsterdam as a tourist spot, we often think about its amazing infrastructure and historical architectural pieces. We most of the time forget and take for granted the other attractions this city has to offer. Well, if you are planning to have some sort of adventure in this place, it would be good to take a few minutes to read my short article which aims not only to unravel more things about Amsterdam but to guide you through the tips below on how you may fully enjoy your vacation here in Amsterdam.

By Dohduhdah via Wikimedia Commons

TIP NUMBER 1: Getting the best accommodation

When booking your accommodation, it is expected that you visit a number of websites offering the most reasonably priced hostels, bed and breakfast, and hotels. But as you do this, you have to keep in mind that although the price range is your major and primary consideration, you also have to be strategic when it comes to the location. The reason behind this is quite simple: the closer you are to the tourist spots you wish to visit, the lesser time you would need to travel, the lesser effort you need to exert, and of course, the lesser money you have to spend. There are so many available places to stay around the most famous attractions in Amsterdam. All you have to do is to look for them. Some websites like should be able to help you on this. So again, do not just look for the lowest priced accommodation place. Be strategic.

TIP NUMBER 2: Doing more than the usual

I do not deny the fact that Amsterdam is a rich home of museums and other places where you can get acquainted with the colorful history of the city, and of the country. While this is certainly a fun and worthwhile thing to do during your tour, I suggest that you do not limit your entire vacation to only visiting said places as there are other things you should try when you get to Amsterdam. One of which is interacting with the locals. Believe it or not, there is nothing more fulfilling than striking conversations with the locals as these small talks let you explore their culture and know more about their country’s practices and traditions. You should definitely do this every time you take a break in a foreign land. You would be surprised at how exciting this could be.

TIP NUMBER 3: Exploring the city through a bike

Yes, other modes of transportation are, of course, available for you to easily navigate and experience the city, but the best way to go around Amsterdam is through riding a bike. This gives you the chance to be “free-spirited.” It is an understatement to say that this is exciting as I am sure that your bike ride adventure would be incomparable. When you do this, however, always keep in mind that safety always comes first.

The Rijksmuseum
By Voytikof via Wikimedia Commons

TIP NUMBER 4: Touring the streets

Practically every corner of Amsterdam has something to say about how the country life goes like. This means that if you want to really have a grasp of how things are done in Amsterdam, the best thing you can do is simply to roam around its streets and you would surely find what you are looking for. I suggest that you pay attention to the details of the architecture you would see for you to appreciate the sophistication and tremendous effort put into building each edifice.

TIP NUMBER 5: Enjoying the canals

Amsterdam is full of canals because of its rich waterways. These canals are more than just functional. They, themselves, are also perfect tourist attractions. Your adventure in Amsterdam would not be complete if you would not survey the grand and small canals around the city. Make it a point that before leaving the city, you should have at least visited a couple of canals and done sightseeing around their areas.

What are you waiting for? Life is too short for you to miss a tourist destination as wonderful and as breathtaking as Amsterdam!

About the AuthorIvan Hamlag works as a Team Leader for a leading company in the Business Processing and Outsourcing (BPO) industry in the Philippines.  Traveling and living vicariously are the other two of Ivan’s passions

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2 responses to “Amsterdam has more to offer!

  1. Hi Ivan, this year especially, is a great year to visit Amsterdam. The city is celebrating many different cultural highlights including 125 years of the Concertgebouw (Amsterdam’s well known concert hall), 175 years of the Artis Royal Zoo, 40 years of the Van Gogh Museum, 400 years of the Amsterdam Canal Ring and the inauguration of the King on 30th April. There are many special events planned throughout the year so it’s even more of a reason to visit the city. I’ve been living here in Amsterdam for the last seventeen years but this year promises to be a bumper year of celebrations.

  2. You are absolutely correct. I have been to Amsterdam more than a hand full of time’s and have fallen in the trap of just seeing the red light district and walking around Dam Square. But, I learned over time that the city has so much more to offer. The activities are well illustrated and well explained in your post.

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