VoyageLA: Niver is an Inspiring Story

VoyageLA: Niver is an Inspiring Story

Thank you VoyageLA for interviewing me for your Inspiring Stories from West LA! Conversation with Lisa Niver: Today we’d like to introduce you to Lisa Niver. Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got … Continued

Happy Holidays: Niver’s News: Dec 2022

Dec News 2022 with Lisa Niver & We Said Go Travel: Happy Festival of Lights! Happy Chanukah! Merry Christmas! Happiest of all the Holidays to YOU! Happy New Year! I hope your 2022 celebrations have brought joy, light and warmth to your heart. At our house we lit the Chanukah candles and I love how every … Continued

Creating Content in 2022

Thank you for all of your support for my writing and videos! Please find links below to highlights from 2022 content. December 2022 Jewish Journal: See me in print twenty eight times… VoyageLA interview: Inspiring Stories from West LA! Redfin travel expert: Exploring Parks in Long Beach Michelin California Star Reveal Party Doritos After Dark … Continued

We Said Go Travel