Fix of Fantasy in Lofou, Cyprus


Fix of Fantasy in Lofou, Cyprus

Two narrow roads, one easterly, the other westerly, wiggle their way from the main thoroughfares towards Lofou, an ancient Cypriot village ensconced between the hills northwest of Limassol. From either direction, the drive up evokes a welcoming sense of solitude. Grapevines, standing in line like obedient students, crowd the countryside and provide a stark contrast … Continued

La France Profond

At the moment my traveling is in South West France – think of roses still on the bushes in December, sunshine even on the coldest day, unexpected views of chateaus with fairy tale turrets, empty roads and a village seemingly growing out of the chestnut earth, houses leaning one on another under the trees, supporting … Continued

India: Absolute Relatives

India: Absolute Relatives After living in India for the past month and a half and Indonesia earlier, we’d gotten pretty much used to power cuts. But not like this one. If it was any other day, the electricity would cut off every now and then, a few hours here, a few there. For that time, … Continued

We Said Go Travel