VoyageLA: Niver is an Inspiring Story

VoyageLA: Niver is an Inspiring Story

Thank you VoyageLA for interviewing me for your Inspiring Stories from West LA! Conversation with Lisa Niver: Today we’d like to introduce you to Lisa Niver. Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got … Continued

Watch Lisa on KTLA TV about Ogden!

XOMAD Interview: “Building a Creative Travel Business”

Thank you to XOMAD for including me in their series on The Plug. Wondering how you can build or maintain a travel business while in lockdown? Scope these tips on pitching editors, blog monetization, networking, and more from travel expert, writer, and frequent KTLA contributor, Lisa Niver, aka @wesaidgotravel. Pitching Editors Q: What are your top … Continued

We Said Go Travel