Deepak Chopra interviewed by Lisa Niver: May News 2021

Deepak Chopra interviewed by Lisa Niver: May News 2021

May News 2021 with Lisa Niver & We Said Go Travel: Thank you Deepak Chopra! I loved speaking with him about the divine feminine, his new 21-day meditation with Alicia Keys and his Never Alone Summit. I introduced him as Mallika’s dad since I interviewed her first! Thank you to Thrive Global for publishing my article, “Strategies for Success: … Continued

Thank you to those who #StandWithIsrael

Israel is under attack. Since May 10, 2021, Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (both recognized by the U.S. and EU as terrorist organizations) have launched over 3000 rockets at Israel’s civilian population centers. Millions of Israelis have had to run for shelter, and over 1500 Israeli civilians have been wounded. 10 Israelis have been murdered … Continued

We Said Go Travel