The Iran Nuclear Agreement: What should Congress do?

The Iran Nuclear Agreement: What should Congress do?

Growing up an American Jew in Los Angeles, I was always told if you ask three Jews a question, you will get four opinions. Last Friday night, I went to shabbat services at Stephen Wise Temple. I began by reading the words below from Rabbi Joshua Knobel about Pioneers and the weekly parsha. Then, I … Continued

Who Are We? The Three Lessons of the Grasshopper

The Three Lessons of the Grasshopper Parashat Shelach-L’cha Shabbat sermon at Stephen S Wise Temple by Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback        Shabbat shalom. Some of you might remember the old 1970s television show, Kung Fu which aired from 1972-1975 on ABC. I remember it from re-runs. The main character of the series, Kwai Chang … Continued

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