Shabbat Prayer for Our College Students and Ourselves

Niver In PRINT: Blog Bytes Jan 2023 Jewish Journal

Thank you to the Jewish Journal for publishing me online for over twelve years. Since they resumed print publication in Fall 2021, I have been in the Blog Bytes section more than thirty times! Here are the two issues that I was in during Jan 2023: Jewish Journal Jan 6, 2023: p. 28— From my … Continued

Happy Holidays: Niver’s News: Dec 2022

Dec News 2022 with Lisa Niver & We Said Go Travel: Happy Festival of Lights! Happy Chanukah! Merry Christmas! Happiest of all the Holidays to YOU! Happy New Year! I hope your 2022 celebrations have brought joy, light and warmth to your heart. At our house we lit the Chanukah candles and I love how every … Continued

Hamantashen for HOPE and more ways to HELP Ukraine

You can help by BAKING: Hamantashen are a symbolic cookie for the holiday of Purim – a time of reflection about destructive megalomaniacs and triumph of good over evil. Ukrainians are, in real time, facing a modern-day Haman in Vladimir Putin. Let’s do what we can to help. FROM NOSHER at My Jewish Learning: To … Continued

Swimming for Grace

by Vicki Bunke Standing along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, I found it fitting to learn that it is the lowest freshwater lake in the world. I had recently experienced the lowest point in my life. Eight months earlier, my 14-year-old daughter Grace died after living with osteosarcoma or bone cancer for four … Continued

5 Reasons To Be Hopeful during COVID

Thank you to Yitzi Weiner and Dr. William Seeds for interviewing me for Authority Magazine: “Seeing Light at the End of the Tunnel; 5 Reasons To Be Hopeful During This Corona Crisis When I was teaching, I told my students if they had to choose between being smart or kind, it was more important to … Continued

Oranges in the Shower – A Whiff of Hope

This morning, at 7am, I ate an orange in my shower.  It’s a thing. My almost 21 year-old daughter read about it and it’s apparently been a thing for a few years now. Eating an orange in the shower, they say, is a direct line to joy. And right now, I need a little joy. … Continued

Spot Sasquatch, re-enact Rambo and hike your heart out in Hope BC with a stay at Heritage Inn!

There is deep symbolism in a place where three major highways meet as well as the mighty Fraser and Coquihalla rivers. Hope, British Columbia is known as a top wedding destination, fertile salmon spawning site, historic trading route and so much more. From sidewalks lined with chainsaw carvings to antique cars bumbling down narrow streets, Hope’s culture surprises those … Continued

68 years old! Israeli Independence Day

By Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback in Israel this week with his sixth grade students When the Eternal returned us to Zion, we were like dreamers! – בְּשׁוּב ה׳, אֶת-שִׁיבַת צִיּוֹן–הָיִינוּ, כְּחֹלְמִים Psalm 126:1 The State of Israel turns 68 years old this week, and you can feel the joy in the streets of Tel Aviv, where … Continued

We Said Go Travel