Secrets from Lisa Niver How to Sleep on a Plane

How to sleep on a plane NIVER

Secrets from Lisa Niver How to Sleep on a Plane

Thank you to Reader’s Digest for asking me for my secrets about how to sleep on a plane! My first secret: Don’t forget socks “For most people, sleeping in socks can be super-uncomfortable and annoying, when they’re in the comfort of their own bed. But when you’re flying high? It’s kind of the opposite: if you’re … Continued

Is Flying Always Preferable to Overland Travel?

Is Flying Always Preferable to Overland Travel? by George Rajna When traveling abroad, the majority of travelers fly between locations with the obvious advantages of speed and convenience despite the far higher costs associated with air transportation. Even though air flights have advantages, going overland between countries can lead to visiting locales that are often … Continued

Our Year Adventure Begins: Three Flights to Bali

July 3, 2012 in Los Angeles at 6:31pm, July 4th, 2012 9:31am in Kuta, Bali, Indonesia. Our Year Adventure Begins: Three Flights to Bali, Indonesia from Los Angeles, California What a trip! Three flights from Los Angeles to Bali; with the help of modern chemistry we slept through most of the first 12 hour flight … Continued

We Said Go Travel