Hamantashen for HOPE and more ways to HELP Ukraine

Hamantashen for HOPE and more ways to HELP Ukraine

You can help by BAKING: Hamantashen are a symbolic cookie for the holiday of Purim – a time of reflection about destructive megalomaniacs and triumph of good over evil. Ukrainians are, in real time, facing a modern-day Haman in Vladimir Putin. Let’s do what we can to help. FROM NOSHER at My Jewish Learning: To … Continued

Who are the Top Ten Travel Blogs For Entrepreneurs?

Thank you for including me in the Top Ten Travel Blogs For Entrepreneurs Who Keep Exploring New Business Opportunities! By Chris Stone January 22, 2018 Travel and entrepreneurship go hand in hand, and there are countless stories where entrepreneurs go on pleasure sojourns, when all of a sudden something clicks in their mind,an inspiration forming a basis … Continued

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