Who was Intellifluence Influencer Interview #50?

Lisa Niver interviewed for Intellifluence

Who was Intellifluence Influencer Interview #50?

Thank you Intellifluence for including me in your Influencer Interview series as #50 to talk about my 50 Things Before I am 50 project! LISA NIVER Influencer Spotlight Posted on February 15, 2019 in Influencer Spotlight Lisa Ellen Niver, M.A. Education. is a passionate writer, educator, social media ninja, speaker and global citizen who has traveled to over … Continued

Lu Ann Cahn's Book I Dare Me inspired me to DARE myself!

I Could Never Do That! Do you Dare Me?

Did you ever think about a project and decide, “I could never do that!” When I heard about Tammilee’s project to do 40 new things before she was 40, I said, “How can I do 50 new things before I am 50? That would be nearly one a week!” And then someone recommended me to … Continued

We Said Go Travel