Wishboats and Lighthouses in Maine

Finding Inspiration in Mexico

I wiggle my toes further into the sand, enjoying the coolness on my sun-burnt feet. Leaning back on my elbows, I butt-dance the sand into a more comfortable shape, feeling the sun caress my face in the early morning light. The beach, nearly empty of tourists, has only a few, lone souls appreciating the solitude. … Continued

The Red River Gorge in Kentucky

I remember vividly the first time I heard Avicii’s song “Wake Me Up.” I was riding from Grand Rapids, Michigan to Red River Gorge, Kentucky (The Red) with a bunch of fellow in-coming college students. The song created a new atmosphere in the van, everyone smiled a bit more and happiness seemed more alive. At … Continued

Secret Beach in British Columbia, Canada

Secret Beach My dreams spread across the sheet, each fragment captured in its own little box: Moraine Lake; the Saskatchewan River Crossing; The Athabasca Glacier; Sunwapta Falls; Maligne Canyon; Tofino; Clayoquot Sound; Ucluelet; Vancouver. I savoured each name on my tongue – some smooth as New World silk, others rough as the cedar bark cloth … Continued

Planet Earth: Simply Living

Throughout the eighteen young years of my life, I have learned that inspiration is not so much a destination as it is a transformation. If you were to ask each person on earth what their definition of inspiration is, more likely than not, each answer would come out somewhat the same. However, if you were … Continued

A Hidden Gem in Green Bay

Some say life is full of regrets. I disagree. You can’t change the past so you might as well learn from it. So by taking any regrets and turning them into lessons it is hard to find a place I have traveled without learning a lesson. Out of my limited hat of travels, one place … Continued

We Said Go Travel