Things to do in Amsterdam on a Rainy Day

What to do in Amsterdam on a Rainy Day by Mikkel Paige of Sometimes Home for We Said Go Travel blog.

Things to do in Amsterdam on a Rainy Day

When the weather’s less than ideal but your heart’s in an adventurous place, you may be left looking for things to do in Amsterdam on a rainy day. Since I have bad luck when it comes to my trips to Europe (sad yet true), it’s likely I’ll be enjoying a city in inclement weather. Here are … Continued

Bangkok in the Pouring Rain! (video)

Video: Bangkok in the Rain Watching the rain from Rambuttri Village Inn lobby seemed like being on a movie set. I had never seen it rain so hard for so long. People were walking into the lobby soaking wet. It almost seemed like the movie, The Truman Show, where someone stood over you with a … Continued

We Said Go Travel