Morocco: Saha صحة

Morocco: Saha صحة

Perched upon sky blue stools that match the wooden square tables and painted archways of this small upstairs café. Hunched over sketchbooks, our backs resting on the propped open balcony doors that overlook the grandiose palace Mohammed Sixth. Men sing funeral hymns below, carrying a small wooden coffin the size of a child. Walking the … Continued

Give Yourself Time: The Joy of Taking a Break

Friends and family ask us, “How do you do it? How do you manage to leave for a year?” Others say, “You are crazy; I would never do that!” These people usually think of the dictionary definition of a vagabond as “…a person who wanders from place to place without a home or job.” I prefer Ralph … Continued

Time to Take Care of Yourself

For nearly seven years, I worked on a cruise ship. Everyone thinks it is such an easy job but we did work every day! All jobs have stresses and everyone needs to take care of him or herself. My friend, Nancy, and I even used to offer to be the tester in the Spa for … Continued

I am WANDERING but I am not LOST

Sukkot is a time when Jews choose to eat outdoors and remember what it was like to wander in the desert. George and I have chosen to give up our home and wander in South East Asia. Right now, October 2012 during Sukkot we are nomads in Myanmar. My 45th birthday is on October 18. … Continued

Lisa on

My photo on today!  It goes with this article:   Lessons from jobs held in your 30s Finding your passion After dropping out of medical school in her 20s, Lisa Niver Rajna of Los Angeles traveled for almost seven years on the high seas. “In my 30s, I worked on a cruise ship like … Continued

We Said Go Travel