The Voluntourist: How to live a life that Matters!

The Voluntourist: How to live a life that Matters!

As we begin our journey in South East Asia, I have been reflecting on my goals for this year. I wanted to share Ken Budd’s book, The Voluntourist: A Six-Country Tale of Love, Loss, Fatherhood, Fate, and Singing Bon Jovi in Bethlehem. Perhaps it will inspire you to take your own trip after reading about his … Continued

Peru: To the Cloud Forest from Cusco

One of the most exciting journeys you can make anywhere in South America is to go from the mountains to the rain forest, either headed east to the Amazon from the Andes, or, in Colombia and Ecuador, toward the west and the Pacific lowlands. The route in Peru from Cusco to the Manu Reserve area … Continued

We Said Go Travel