Best Things to do in the Finger Lakes: A Four-Seasons Destination

Best Things to do in the Finger Lakes: A Four-Seasons Destination

BEST THINGS TO DO IN THE FINGER LAKES: A FOUR-SEASON DESTINATION The Finger Lakes region in upstate New York is known primarily as one of the great wine-growing regions of the United States. And with good reason: The area is home to an impressive range of innovative wine producers, including world-acclaimed Rieslings.  The harvest usually … Continued

Make Good Trouble: In honor of John Lewis

JOHN LEWIS: GOOD TROUBLE tells the story of Congressman John Lewis, an American hero who spent his life fighting for voting rights and racial justice. He fought alongside Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during the Civil Rights Movement and helped get the Voting Rights Act passed in 1965. However, our democracy is now under attack. Since … Continued

Arkansas: Courageous Little Rock Nine

There’s nothing as awesome as courage When we think of an awe-inspiring travel site, the mind immediately begins to visualize images of the Grand Canyon; somewhere lofty from which mere mortals can, for a few moments, look on the vista ahead as if we had just finished creating it. That’s perfectly legitimate but for me, … Continued

We Said Go Travel