Teacher, Traveler, Speaker



Lisa Niver 

Teacher, Traveler, Speaker


Ten Essential Trips by Lisa Niver: a snippet of the talk given at a Planning You Can Trust Seminar in Anaheim, California February 2015.

Career Day: First Teacher to appear on the National Television Series

University of Pennsylvania Life Long Learning Webinar: Exotic Burma

LASTN seminar: Integrated Education

Articles and Links:

Gates Foundation, Impatient Optimists: Teachers Need a Village

Huffington Post: Why So Many American Teachers Are Leaving the Profession (1.4K likes, 50+ comments)

Huffington Post Education: Secure Attachment: Do Good Teachers Need It?

Founder: Los Angeles Science Teacher Network

Founder: ScienceIsn’tScary Website and Simply Science Camp.

About Lisa’s teaching: Success Story: Science Fair Projects with Real World Impact, Lisa’s students on distracted driving, creating a video game for blind students and making your own lip gloss.

2012 Nominee for Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching

Just for Kids: Science Websites to Explore and Enjoy!

PAEMST certificate

Lisa Ellen Niver, M.A., is the creator of popular travel website, We Said Go Travel. She is a passionate writer, educator, social media ninja, and speaker who has traveled to over one hundred countries and six continents. On National Television as a science teacher on the show Career Day, she was a 2012 nominee for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching. Niver was a 2014 nominee for the humanitarian award, the Charles Bronfman Prize. Niver writes for many publications including Wharton Business Magazine, USA Today, National Geographic, the Huffington Post, the Guardian and the Jewish Journal.

As a teacher, Niver inspires students to care about global issues by sharing her world travels with them. When she taught science to 270 students from Kindergarten through Sixth grade in Los Angeles, California, she shared lessons about Mongolia, Morocco and Samoa. One of her best teaching moments can be seen in the video, “Earth Science: How Cares?” in a lesson about the Congo Conflict-Free Mineral Act as part of 4th grade rocks and minerals unit. The class also discussed saving the umbrella species of the gorilla in Central Africa. Together, the students wrote an impassioned letter to President Obama and other elected officials about what they learned and their desire to create change. Other classes also wrote to elected officials after screening a documentary about sea level issues in Tuvalu, which also led to several students started their own company to raise money to help. A team from her class won an Oxfam Canada International “recycled toy” contest.  Lisa also connects science content to major global issues with children’s Science Fair Project choices.  A dozen of those science fair projects were chosen to be featured on the National Sciencebuddies.com  website.

As a 2012 nominee for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching, she received commendations from US Senator Barbara Boxer as well as Fran Pavley, Holly Mitchell, Eric Garcetti from California State Senate, and Assembly, and the Los Angeles City Council.

She was featured in October 2012 on KTLA National TV on the program Career Day, a show that shares great careers for teens. She will be the first teacher to be featured on the program.

Invited to speak as an expert on three different radio programs about global citizens, international education and the PISA test, she is a captivating and knowledgeable guest. Her talk about integrating science with art, literacy and global events was noted as a highlight at the Los Angeles Science Teachers Network Professional Development event.

Invite her to speak at your conference on education, inspiration and integrated learning.

She reviews books about education, travel, technology and global issues for WeSaidGoTravel.com, technorati.com, and at Wandering Educators  where she is the Geography Awareness editor. She is available to work with authors to create reviews for new books.

An expert in collaboration (and sharing enthusiasm), Lisa Niver Rajna would be happy to share her experience with your team to assist in creating connections  and raising awareness about global issues.

Community Leadership and Executive Board Involvement: High School Leadership Academy and Simply Sports.

Watch: Lisa Niver Rajna on Career Day, National Television