Memories let loose in Pakistan

Memories let loose in Pakistan

The walled city journey was turning treacherous by the moment. The busy streets, markets made all of us exhausted. We all wanted to rest, find some quiet place to sit and relax. There it was a, dark tunnel like structure that we entered having high anticipation. There was no sound around and the only sound … Continued

Desire and Pain in Nigeria

  Desire and Pain in Nigeria I’ve learnt over the years that for a healthy living to be achieved, happiness and freedom would have to play a key role in one’s life. Whilst growing up, I’ve been inhibited of freedom, whereas I strive to achieve happiness. I’m the only son in the family of four, … Continued

The Real Ireland

The Real Ireland It starts with a slap drum.  A man in his early 20’s throws his hands against a tall wooden box between his outstretched legs with every cell in his body. His back hunched, his red hair gathered into a loose bun, he sends the fast, hard rhythm out into a gathering crowd … Continued

The Marvels of the Pink City, India

During my stay in India I got the chance to visit Jaipur. This visit was the first time that I was able to explore India. Our neighbor, with which we had shared our tragic history. Though  the visit was short, it was extremely memorable. I have collected many memories to cherish for a long time. … Continued

Je suis Montreal, Canada

    Turning right onto Rue Notre Dame I entered the city, a white canvas with a vast color palette. I had never seen such a picturesque city in winters. It was veritably a delight. The snow was like the white ash that falls covering the land and everything in its path. It’s like magic falling … Continued

Dancing In the Streets of China

It wasn’t what I came to do. They weren’t who I came to see. Yet, my feet stopped moving. My breath was suspended. My eyes were wide. Even with the weight of a heavy bag hanging on my shoulders, I was wavering on the balls of my feet debating on whether to join with the … Continued

Lessons Learned in Japan

It started in China, at the age of 16. It was my first time to travel abroad, and to travel without my family and only a few friends. I was there for a six-week study program, and I learned that I grew up with possibly a different way of doing things, and some people, friend … Continued

We Said Go Travel