People Don’t Eat Dogs Here in Costa Rica

Black Boots in Austria

Where would I be now? It was a mild spring afternoon at Staadpark in Vienna as I rubbed my hands, which are neatly wrapped in new white gloves. The gloves felt very soft. My governess would certainly scold me If I touched any mud. A small orchestra on the podium is playing popular and melodious … Continued

Legendary Gratitude in the USA

When I go out to do something my wife considers dangerous or foolish, I call it “growing the legend.”  Sometimes, I “grow the legend” when I come home with a bloody leg after mountain biking.  Sometimes, it grows when I face a stormy weekend with only a hammock and a ragged sheet of 4-mil plastic. … Continued

When the Ice Melts in Mongolia

When the Ice Melts in Mongolia Click, one sheep’s ankle bone chinked against another. I lost another round of Shagai. The wood-burning stove hissed as a drip of melted snow fell from my woolly socks. It was our first day away from the cracked pavements, smoggy chimneys and block buildings of Ulaan Bator. Outside the … Continued

Kuala Lumpur’s Son

The sky was filled with crimson paper lanterns, swaying in the hot, sticky breeze of Kuala Lumpur. Beads of sweat formed on occasional tourists passing by in their khaki shorts as Malaysians and Chinese people, as old as the earth, hunkered by their stalls. I admired the golden writing on those lanterns high above me; … Continued

How to Milk a Cow in Spain

I was into the third month of my ‘adventure’. ‘Adventure’ was what my friends and family who didn’t quite get why I headed off to foreign lands with very few plans called it. I didn’t think of it as an adventure: I just thought of it as my life. Sometimes it was hard (really hard), … Continued

River reflections-the mighty Mekong.

Near my home in Wivenhoe, the River Colne ebbs and flows repeatedly, as you might expect, drawing people to its easy shores. In the past this gentle river supported a thriving fishing industry, providing boats with a safe base between outings to the unpredictable North Sea. Shipbuilder’s yards flourished and cargo ships travelled upstream bringing … Continued

Thank You in the USA

This around the world adventure has truly begun. Several days in, and I’ve tried several times to write something that you might enjoy reading. I want to tell you about the journey here, the hostel stays and late night train rides, my new friends both temporary and forever, my fears and my wishes for the … Continued

We Said Go Travel