Curaçao: Home is where vacation lies

Curaçao: Home is where vacation lies

I often think about the places where I’ve been in the past few years and believe that I’m quite blessed to have visited so many different countries. From zip lining in San Juan, to riding on elephants in Bangkok, and featuring in a short film in Mumbai, I believe that I’ve experienced an incredible travelling … Continued

Indecision on a Train in Italy

I hesitated at the entrance of the train, unwilling to step onto the platform and risk getting locked out of the car. The sign at the platform clearly read “Rho” and not “Busto Arsizio,” but I still couldn’t shake the indecision from my gut. “Is this the stop for Busto Arsizio?” I asked a woman … Continued

Lessons In China

I got off the bus, my right foot landing smack in a muddy puddle. Flecks of greenish-brown dirt clung to my leather boots. “There’s something very wrong with a school that has stagnant puddles at the entrance,” I said to Mariam, who was checking her own grey coat for signs of muddy spray. She looked … Continued

Arrival in the USA

ARRIVAL Despite having traveled abroad and lived in diverse places – London, Australia, and a 1951 yellow Jimmy schoolbus in Northern California – these days I don’t want to travel farther than I can see. From my tiny cabin, set in a bowl of the Wet Mountains with a head-on view of the Sangre de … Continued

India: Words are not all…

The family used to be our neighbor from the very first day we shifted to our own house. Initially a family of two with the wife brimming with a cheerfulness that was contagious— she lovingly cooked various delicacies and we had the privilege of devouring the delicious recipes she tried with deft hands…recipes topped with … Continued

An African encounter in Nigeria

‘No Health without Mental Health’ the signboard read as our well worn car trudged towards the entrance. An eight hour journey from Abuja ended in the rust red roads of Edawu. A team of 3 mental health professionals from UK trying to make a difference to mental health services in Southern Nigeria was an experience … Continued

The touch of human genuineness in Egypt

The eerie lack of crowds was fast becoming a theme on this exotic holiday. Our reassuring guide, Samir and his impeccable travel arrangements did not completely take away the niggling thought of some disaster lurking round the corner which we must have been oblivious to whilst planning, in contrast to the cautious who had chosen … Continued

We Said Go Travel