Descendiendo al cielo ~ Costa Rica

Descendiendo al cielo ~ Costa Rica

At Thirty-eight years old, I boarded the plane with a friend I had met less than 4 months ago. Years prior to this, the idea of travelling to Central America with someone I hardly knew, without my husband or daughter by my side, would be unheard of. Travel had always been a dream of mine, … Continued

Taiwan: A Gift for Friends at Little Island

I walk through a large opening between two cliff walls. Covered by a reddish color of long time untouched soil and the green color of various plants that penetrate and grow through cracks, the walls undoubtedly look majestic. However, the Leshan Giant Buddha in front of me is the one that attracts my full attention. … Continued

New Mexico: The Small Yet Majestic Places

There are some places on earth that truly deserve to be called ‘beautiful.’ Some places that are awe-inspiring in their natural beauty. Some places that we can feel free and independent. These places are few and scattered jewels among the everyday rock of the rest of the earth. The Pecos River, New Mexico is one … Continued

Italy: Channeling Fellini on the Island of Napoleon

Channeling Fellini on the Island of Napoleon By Dale Patrick Myers It takes me two years to get to Elba after seeing it for the first time, although I have never even set foot on the island. My quest began from 30,000 feet in the air after asking an Alitalia stewardess what island we were … Continued

Egypt: Traversing the Gulf of Aqaba

I haven’t awoken in sub- zero mizzling Cornwall…i have awoken in a large airy tiled room, wrapped tightly in crisp Egyptian cotton…I am 6000 miles away from the sum of my past 23 years and there are no centipedes or scorpions that have wheedled their way in to the fresh folds of my swaddlings. The … Continued

We Said Go Travel