Above the Big Blue

Above the Big Blue

What pops into your mind when you hear the word ‘blue’? To me, it is always the ocean. I love the ocean and somehow, a few weeks ago, I found myself standing above it. The big endless blue ocean was nothing like what I have ever seen before. It was majestic and it had a … Continued


Orison 777 meters above sea level is the chapel of Queen Catherine, built before 500 years. Queen Catherine is beatified the patroness of children and homeland. Her husband was killed. Her children are kidnapped, and her kingdom was taken from her. She died in Rome; she is the only person buried upright in the wall … Continued

Inner Freedom In Israel

There is something about landing down for the first time in Israel that is breathtaking. Many would argue there is nothing particularly stunning or original about the Tel Aviv airport. But you can feel the weight of the history of the land engulfing you, feeding you, squeezing you when you touch down. I’ve had people … Continued

Hitchhiking in Israel

The names and places in this story have been changed. I’ve experienced several Aha moments, as Oprah likes to refer to them over the course of my now fifty-nine years. Some small, some large, most occurring when least expected and all to some degree having a life defining affect. One memory in particular surfaced recently … Continued

An outsider in New Zealand’s South Island

‘Listen, girl – listen. The stars are whispering.’ An old Māori kaumātua whispered that to me himself, both of us tiny and silent underneath the spinning iridescence of the southern sky. I was in a quiet corner of New Zealand’s South Island, far removed from the hectic confusion of central London, hypnotised by the soft … Continued

A National Anthem is Penned in the Quest to Maintain Independence

A National Anthem is Penned in the Quest to Maintain Independence “And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.” “Defence of Ft. M’Henry” by Francis Scott Key On the outskirts of Baltimore, Maryland, there is an iconic fort overlooking the Chesapeake Bay … Continued

Tijuana: Finding Freedom Where Least Expected

An unexpected place was where I went. “Oh my, you’re going? No way!” “It’s dangerous! Many people sell drugs there, don’t go! Cancel the trip!” People found it hard to believe when I decided to spend a week at an atypical tourist place—Tijuana, Mexico. But there, I found the inner source that sets people free. … Continued

Hawaii: Going with the Lava Flow

Going with the Lava Flow Navigating the treacheries and discovering new land at one of Earth’s fieriest national parks By Dale Patrick Myers A towering plume of sulfur-smelling smoke explodes from the crater of this desert landscape as a tepid breeze blows the sweet scent of jasmine and pushes the sinewy smoke over the devastated … Continued

Finding My Muse in Coastal New England

Finding My Muse in Coastal New England By Kathryn Gerwig The plane banked to the left in preparation for landing. I caught my breath as I glimpsed the familiar and welcoming wooded hills of New Hampshire from my window seat. Deep green blankets of oak and maple, hemlock and pine, covered the summits. The landscape … Continued

Romania: Freedom after a Long Week

A hike in the woods – freedom after a long week We all know we should walk at least 10,000 steps a day but how many times have we stopped to consider how many benefits a walk in the woods can bring us? Just 45 min walk from my home in Romania, there’s Ceala Forest, … Continued

We Said Go Travel