George´s Music Review: “Who’s Psychotic Next?”

George´s Music Review: “Who’s Psychotic Next?”

“Who’s Psychotic Next?” A Critical Review of Pete Townshend’s Memoir “Who Am I” is legendary The Who composer and guitarist Pete Townshend’s autobiographic memoir that he began in May, 1996. The original manuscript was 1,000 pages long but editor Harper Collins shaved it in half to 500 pages. The chronicle delves into Townshend’s upbringing in … Continued

Reaching Out for Italy

High above the swirling mosaics of the Sistine Chapel’s floor are Michelangelo’s famous frescoes. The genius of a man ahead of his time calls tourists’ heads irresistibly upwards, drawn by the intricacy and vibrancy of paint that has had centuries to dry, but remains indisputably flooded with life. Amidst this overwhelming beauty is a single … Continued

Santorini, Greece: Spilt Paint

My trip around Eastern Europe in 2011 had a visit to Santorini. This island took my breath away and this is what it inspired me to write. Santorini is built on the rim of a volcano overlooking a caldera. Even though we sort of, kind of knew what a caldera was it never hurts to … Continued

England: Under Big Norfolk Skies

The water is steaming, a white vapour sponging the darkening sky. I watch the heavens smudge grey and pink before deepening to navy-blue. High above us midges dance in dizzying circles. I plunge under the warm, bubbling water and when I surface again, one single star has emerged, alone in the sky. “Vega, Arabic for swooping … Continued

Gratitude in Stone: The Pantheon, Paris

This Panthéon is gratitude made stone. It started life as a church, built to honour St. Genevieve, the patron saint of Paris, in thanksgiving for her intercession during Louis XV’s illness. Since then, the Panthéon has been the site of Foucault’s demonstration of his pendulum, which showed the rotation of the earth, and the home … Continued

Britain for the Soul

I come from Singapore, which is a tiny country in South-east Asia. On the world map, it is not more than a mere speck. Hence, when I landed in London, I was awe-struck by the sheer largeness of this sprawling city. The skyscrapers and buildings extended on and on, fading away into a hazy brown … Continued

Making Waves on the Waterways of Europe

A tour of Europe with a twist: on it’s rivers and canals.     The thought of a European river cruise tour never really crossed my mind before, but it looks like an incredible way to see Europe from a different perspective. The first image that came to mind of a boat tour was of … Continued

Love to Travel By Boat? Sailing Through History

The invention of the boat was a technological breakthrough that brought forward a new way to explore the world. The first boats were made by the Egyptians and were used to transport goods along the Nile River. Over the centuries, boats became more and more sophisticated to the point that they could cross oceans. Great … Continued

Goa Through the Eyes of a Portuguese Woman

Foreword: A little history lesson before we commence. India has been the playground of the feisty European colonialists for centuries now. Most pockets were returned to the Republic of India in the 20th century. It is pertinent to note that the French have kept the soft power alive and strong in their former enclave of … Continued

A Weekend Break in Dorset

Dorset is one of England’s most charming counties, located on the South Coast of England, it is a perfect destination for a weekend or even weeklong break.   There’s no shortage of things to do, but a car would be recommended to get the best out of Dorset. Top of the list has to be … Continued

We Said Go Travel